Countryside Buddha (8%) - 0.33 L bottle

Countryside Buddha (8%) - 0.33 L bottle
Countryside Buddha (8%) - 0.33 L bottle
Countryside Buddha (8%) - 0.33 L bottle
Countryside Buddha (8%) - 0.33 L bottle
Countryside Buddha (8%) - 0.33 L bottle

Here’s the Enlightenment itself, the Maitreya of Pest, the Siddharta of Jász, the son of the devas in Borsod. Countryside Buddha received everything you really liked: Simcoe and Mosaic hops bringh the expected fruity combination, which yanks your third eye open with the double dry hopping towards our double IPA. Don’t be fooled by its Pest origin: Countryside Buddha relaxes and takes anyone into nirvana, from Balassagyarmat to Orosháza, from Szombathely to Nyírábrány.

Double IPA (DIPA)
8 % (v/v)
20 °
Warrior, Mosaic, Simcoe, Citra
Honey, Pale Ale, Pilsner, Oat flake, Wheat flake, Wheat malt