Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can

Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
Corvus Corax (12.5%) - 0.33 L can
In stock  59 pcs
1 600 Ft
Unit price: 4 848 Ft/L

A massive, dense Imperial Stout made with our friends at Vogelsang. One of the densest in terms of taste and texture, it is especially for fans of full-bodied stouts and those who escape the trap of General Winter with a warming, stout beer.

Candy sugar and maple syrup both leave their recognizable mark on our caramelly, brownie-like batch, which is complemented by the flavors of nuts and cookies and makes it totally pastry-like.

Imperial Stout
12.5 % (v/v)
18.5 °
Columbus, Hallertau Mittelfrüch
Extra service:
Quantity discount:
Product price
1+  pcs
1 600 Ft/pcs
12+  pcs
-15 %
1 360 Ft/pcs
24+  pcs
-25 %
1 200 Ft/pcs